The right way to pack your boxes when moving house

Moving New Home

The right way to pack your boxes when moving house


Before packing, it is essential to examine the durability of all your boxes. Otherwise, damages may happen if the boxes are in poor shape. A durable box can hold and sustain its contents and should be firm and free of tears, rips, corner damage, and punctures. 

Once it’s filled with items, this simple cardboard box will become extremely heavy. And a box that is not assembled correctly may fall apart during transport. Since you do not want this to occur, you must set up your boxes properly the first time. Here are the tips on how to pack your box correctly.


Small items can be placed on alternative containers. 

It makes no sense to package small items such as gold jewellery and bolts. First, you will organise the bolts, screws, and other silverware and antiques by placing them in individual paper or plastic bags, if possible. Then they can be placed in a tin. Instead of boxes, suitcases should be used to pack clothing. This ensures the safety of small items and prevents them from getting mixed up, rusting, or scratched.


Reinforce boxes

Use tape to reinforce the edges and bottom of the boxes.   This is especially important for previously used boxes or ones with a damaged bottom end. The box’s contents will not fall out of the bottom during transport once it is correctly reinforced with tapes. For the best results, choose new or lightly used moving boxes with sturdy double-wall construction and no rips, tears, or stains, rather than ordinary cardboard boxes. New moving boxes are available from home improvement stores, moving companies, and office supply stores.


Boxes must be efficiently sealable

It is essential to make sure that all packing boxes can be sealed appropriately. Items should not protrude from the top to avoid damage. In fact, the top can be sealed with tape to ensure that the box’s contents remain within the box.


Organise and set up your boxes

To help your boxes maintain their integrity throughout your move, line up the sides closely when building them so there is no overhang, and then use two layers of tape to secure the sides in place. For added protection, put a perpendicular layer of tape on the area where the sides meet the end of the box. Do this for all your moving boxes, even those that aren’t taking on heavy items.